Axial Partners Limited (“Axial”) is incorporated in Hong Kong and is regulated by the Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong (“SFC”). Axial is the holder of a Type 9 (asset management) and Type 4 (advising on securities) licence (CE No. BIZ 186) issued by the SFC.
Axial does not carry on business or hold any licences in any country outside of Hong Kong.
Axial only offers and provides services to “professional investors” (as defined in the Securities and Futures Ordinance and it’s subsidiary legislation) that it has assessed and verified to be institutional professional investors (“IPI”) or sophisticated corporate professional investors who have passed the CPI assessment (“CPI”) in accordance with the Code of Conduct for Persons Licensed by or Registered with the Securities and Futures Commission (the “SFC Code of Conduct”). It is the responsibility of each IPI and CPI to make its own determination and decision as to the suitability of any investment option for their own individual end clients and/or investors that they are advising (the “End Clients”) based on their particular requirements, circumstances and objectives (where appropriate), and Axial offers no advice on the selection of any investment strategy or solution, or its suitability for any particular End Client. Axial remains responsible for ensuring that the investment options available on its platform are generally suitable for use by its IPI or CPI clients in advising their End Clients. Nothing in this website shall be construed as Axial offering or making any service available to, or any investment strategy as being suitable for any individual End Client(s), including any entity or person which is not an IPI or CPI (as defined in the SFC Code of Conduct), and which has made its own independent investment decision, and/or has made an investment decision based on investment advice provided by their own investment adviser(s).
The material on this website is general in nature and does not constitute financial or investment advice. It is intended only for general information purposes for licensed financial intermediaries, licensed investment managers or advisers, or qualified institutional or sophisticated corporate investors.
The information contained in this website:
- is general and illustrative in nature and does not constitute financial or investment advice
- does not represent any offer, commitment or obligation on the part of Axial or any other party to enter into any arrangement with or provide any services to any party
- shall not be construed as an offer, solicitation, advice or recommendation to enter into any contract or transaction of any kind with Axial or any other party, or as providing any advice to buy or sell any securities or other investments
- shall not be construed as making an offer or solicitation of any securities or investments of any nature to any person in any jurisdiction in which an offer, solicitation, purchase or sale would be unlawful under the securities laws of that jurisdiction
- is not directed at or intended for distribution or publication to or use by, any person or entity who is a citizen or resident of, or located in, any jurisdiction in which the direction, distribution, publication or use of any material in this document would be contrary to any applicable law or regulation, or which would subject Axial to any additional registration or licensing requirements in respect of that jurisdiction.
Axial has taken reasonable care in providing this information. However, information can change without notice and Axial does not guarantee the completeness or accuracy of the information in this website at any particular point in time. No representation, guarantee or warranty is made, express or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information contained in this website. Axial expressly disclaims any and all liability based, in whole or in part, on the information contained in this website, and any errors herein or omissions herefrom.
Axial has entered into and proposes in the future to enter into certain Investment Advisory Agreements or Model Provider Agreements with licensed asset managers or advisers, and certain Index Licence Agreements with certain Index Providers, under which those Investment Advisers and Index Providers provide information and advice to Axial for the purposes of assisting it to provide investment portfolios on the Axial Platform. Some of these Investment Advisers and Index Providers may also have other relationships with Axial, including an equity stake in the capital of its parent company, Managed Account Partners (Holdings) Limited.
Axial makes no representation that a “managed account” is suitable for any particular investor or End Client by comparison to any other alternative investment structure, vehicle or methodology. Axial takes no responsibility for the suitability of any particular portfolio or investment for any specific investor or End Client, and does not provide advice on the selection of any investment strategy offered on the Axial platform, which is solely the responsibility and decision of the relevant investor or their external advisers, and should be based on their own specific circumstances and objectives. Investors should perform their own independent evaluation of suitability, risks and benefits of any investment strategy available on the Axial platform, or obtain independent professional advice. Axial remains responsible for ensuring that the investment options available on its platform are generally suitable for use by its Wealth Manager clients in advising their End Clients.
Unless otherwise specified, copyright of information provided in this document is owned by Axial. The copying, dissemination, reproduction or distribution of any information contained in this document is strictly prohibited.